Tribe, a project without borders
There are more than 5 million kids all around the world who are sleeping or have slept in a Gautier bedroom. We wanted to go and meet them to discover their daily life, their personnality, their culture, the hopes through one and the same place : their room.

70 profiles, 70 histories through the lens of the artist : John Thackwray
The Origine of the project
Wherever we are in the world, whatever our cultures and lifestyles, a kids bedroom remains a personal deeply space linked to intimacy, a place of refuge and sharing, of flourishing and work, of play and relaxation, of discoveries … The room where we grew up, the room where our children grow up instantly refer to many memories. It tells without words what we are and reveals what we dream of.

Born of love for the kids
Patrice Gautier, founder of the Gautier furniture, understood this as early as 1960. He was the first to be interested in it and to imagine furniture made for the development of children. In many ways, he is the initiator of this project

A collaboration with the artist : John Thackwray
Curious, passionate, open to meetings, to discoveries, the collaboration with the artist John Thackwray seemed evident to us. This particular angle of view, this was one of the features of his now famous project « My room, a portrait of a generation ». A work of 1000 photographs of young people of his generation (born in the 1980s and 1990s), immortalised in their own homes, in their own space.

Tribe by Gautier
You want to take part in the Tribe adventure, you too can post a photo of yourself in your Gautier room on Instagram.